Wednesday 22 June 2016

Biology - EDEXCEL IGCSE - Living Organisms

The Biology course is very similar to the Human Biology course we have already covered. Because of this the notes I post will be very similar.

The Nature and Variety of Living Organisms:

Characteristics of living organisms:
    Require nutrition
    Excrete their waste
    Respond to external stimuli
    Control their internal conditions
    Grow and develop

Features of plants:
    Multicellular organisms
    Their cells contain chloroplasts and therefore they photosynthesise
    Have cellulose cell walls
    Store carbohydrates such as starch or sucrose
    Examples include maize, peas, beans etc…

Features of animals:
    Multicellular organisms
    Their cells don’t contain chloroplasts and so don’t photosynthesise
    Have no cell walls
    Usually have nervous coordination
    Are able to move from one place to another
    Often store carbohydrates such as glycogen
    Examples include humans, houseflies and mosquitos

Features of Fungi:
    Cannot photosynthesise
    Organised into mycelium made from thread like structures called hyphae which contain many nuclei.
    Some are single celled.
    Cell walls made of chitin
    Fed by extracellular secretions of digestive enzymes on to food material and absorption of the organic product.
    May store carbohydrates and glucagon
    Examples include yeast.

Features of Bacteria:
    Microscopic single celled organisms
    Lack a nucleus but contain circular chromosomes of DNA called plasmids. Also has cell wall, membrane and cytoplasm.
    Most feed of other organisms. Some photosynthesise.
    Examples include pneumococcus, lactobacillus bulgaricus etc…

Features of Protoctists:
    Microscopic single celled organisms
    Examples include amoeba, chlorella and plasmodium.

Features of Viruses:
    Smaller than bacteria; parasitic; only reproduce inside living cells.
    Wide variety of shapes and sizes; no cellular structure.
    Have a protein coat and contain one type of nucleic acid, DNA or RNA.
    Examples include influenza, HIV and tobacco mosaic.

Features of pathogens:
    Something that causes diseases.
    Can be fungi, bacteria, protoctist, or virus.

Structures and functions in living organisms:

Levels of organisation:

Specialised cells that perform similar functions are grouped together as tissues:

There are many types of tissues:
1.    Bones - collection of cells that secrete calcium salts.
2.    Muscle - these can be voluntary, involuntary or also cardiac.
3.    Blood - collection of red and white blood cells.
4.    Nervous tissue - makes up the brain, nerves and spinal cord.
5.    Epithelium - these are tissues that line organs. They can be both squamous or ciliated.

Tissues that perform the same function are grouped together to form organs. e.g. Heart.

Organs that perform the same function are grouped together to form organ systems. e.g. The circulation system

Organ systems are grouped together to form organisms. e.g. Humans.

Cell Structure:

The main differences between a plant cell and an animal one is the lack of certain organelles such as a permanent vacuole, cell wall and chloroplasts. Apart from this plant cells also have a more regular structure.

The Functions of the parts of the cell:

Nucleus: contains chromosomes (46 in humans) which carry the genetic information. It controls the activity of the cell by controlling which proteins the cell will synthesise.

Cytoplasm: this is where chemical reactions occur.

Cell membrane: this controls what substances can pass in and out of the cell. It is selectively permeable.

Cell wall: this protects the cell and helps support itself.

Chloroplasts: these are needed for photosynthesis to take place in plants.

Mitochondria: this carries out some of the reactions in respiration.

Vacuole: filled with cell sap which contains nutrients. It is also used for cell structure and support.

Biological Molecules:

1.    Contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
2.    Are split into groups polysaccharides (e.g. starch), disaccharide (e.g. sucrose) and monosaccharides (e.g. glucose).
3.    The test for starch involves iodine. If it changes colour from red-orange to blue-black then starch is present.
4.    The test for glucose involves Benedict's Reagent. If, when placed in heat, the solution turns from blue to brick-red then glucose is present.

1.    Contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and sometimes Sulfur.
2.    Made of subunits called amino acids.
3.    The test for protein involves the use of a biuret solution (Sodium Hydroxide and Copper Sulphate). If the solution goes from blue to pink-purple then protein is present.

1.    Contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.
2.    Made of a molecule of Glycerol and three fatty acids.
3.    The test for lipids involves the use of ethanol. If when mixed the solution goes cloudy then lipid is present.

Enzymes are biological catalysts meaning that they are organic molecules that speed up reactions but remain unchanged. The lock and key model is used to describe the actions of enzymes. Enzymes have an active site which the substrate (reagent) fits into. After the enzymes catalyses the reaction it's then free to go elsewhere. Because of the varying shapes of the enzymes and substrates, only one type of enzyme can "fit" a substrate, they are, therefore, specific. Enzymes are used to catalyse metabolic reactions.

Enzymes are affected by temperature. The rate of reaction increases as temperature increases as there is more kinetic energy supplied which means more collisions occur between the enzymes and substrates. However, after the optimum temperature the rate of reaction falls as the enzymes are being denatured which means the active site is changed. Enzymes are also affected by pH. If the optimum pH is not reached the active site is once again changed.

Experiment to show enzyme activity with temperature:
1.    Place test tubes of amylase and another with starch in a water bath.
2.    After five minutes mix.
3.    Take sample and test with iodine.
4.    Do this every thirty seconds until the iodine turns blue-black.
5.    Repeat the experiment changing the temperature of the water bath to 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 °C

The movement of substances into and out of cells:

Diffusion - the next movement of particles from an area of high concentration to low concentration down a concentration gradient.

Osmosis - the movement of water molecules from an area of high water potential to an area of low water potential through a partially permeable membrane.

Active transport - the movement of particles against a concentration gradient using energy from respiration and carrier proteins.

The movement of substances into and out of cells can be through diffusion, osmosis and/or active transport.

The movement of substances in plants is essential to create turgid (firm) cells which are needed for support. Without turgid cells, the plants would wilt.

Factors affecting rate of movement:
1.    A high concentration gradient will increase the rate of movement.
2.    A high temperature will increase the rate of movement as there is more energy meaning more kinetic energy is present. This means the particles move faster.
3.    A large surface area to volume ratio will increase the rate of movement as there is more area for the particles to move across.

Experiment for diffusion:
1.    Cut potassium permanganate agar jelly cubes into cubes of length 0.5, 1, and 2 cm.
2.    Place cubes of jelly at the same time into three beakers containing 75ml hydrochloric.
3.    Record the amount of time it takes for the jelly to go from the dyed purple colour to colourless.

Experiment for osmosis:
1.    In three test tubes, pour in one 10ml of distilled water, one 10ml 0.85% salt solution and one 10ml 3% salt solution.
2.    Add 1ml of fresh blood to each test tube and shake.
3.    Look at the sample of each under a microscope.
4.    No red blood cells should be seen in test tube one as lysis has occurred. Normal red blood cells should be shown in test tube two and shrunken red bloods cells should be present in test tube three (flaccid and plasmolysed).

Experiment for both diffusion and osmosis:
1.    Fill visking tubing with a substance.
2.    Place in beaker containing the substance but in different concentrations.

3.    The amount of substance in each should change.

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